Watch Terror on the Midnight Train online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Terror on the Midnight Train cinema online for free. The film Terror on the Midnight Train has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the site. “Terror en el tren de la medianoche” is an extremely obscure Spanish horror movie which is as rare as they come. The “Twilight Zone”-ish plot centres around middle-aged and balding station master Ruben, who is plagued by the vision of ghostly train. The train is always arriving at midnight to the accompaniment of eerie music whenever somebody in town has died. Swearing local priest Don Carmelo is skeptical. The main performance of Rafael Hernandez is competent and there is a bit of soft nudity provided by lovely Mari Paz Pondal.
Year: 1980
Genre : Horror
Runtime: 85 minutes
Release Date: 1980-01-01
Actors : Rafael Hernández, Mary Paz Pondal, José Riesgo